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Learn HTML, CSS & JavaScript (Launch Your Dev Career Volume 1)

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Volume 1 Contains the first 36 days of instruction (36 chapters broken down into 35 days of lessons).

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From the introduction

What Is This Book About?

You will learn the principles of HTML5. HTML5 is the HTML standard which includes HTML (HyperText Markup Language), CSS (Cascading StyleSheets) and JavaScript. These are the basic languages that the web browser understands and each one serves a specific purpose (which you will learn about in this book).

In an effort to teach HTML5, this book will walk you through the creation of a number of SPAs (Single Page Applications) built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

More Than Just HTML5

However, you will learn far more than HTML5. In this book we will work together to build a foundation of understanding that will carry you into an IT (Information Technology) career. We will do this by taking on HTML5 from a Software Developer’s viewpoint.

That means we will focus on gaining foundational knowledge, tools and technologies which are transferable to other work you will do in the IT (Information Technology) world. We will also discuss what differentiates the software developer role from a more advanced role like the software architect or systems architect. Understanding the differences in the roles is very important to understanding what will help you to continue to grow in the software industry.

Process Makes the Difference

Here’s the main difference in the roles: process. That’s right, simply having a structured process that guides you through the software development life cycle will help you to stand out from other software developers. This is true, because almost anyone with minimal skills can get something working, but it takes a special system to be able to develop software and systems that are easily fixed, enhanced and supported by a team.

Detailed Table of Contents

What Is This Book About? 7

More Than Just HTML5 7

Process Makes the Difference 8

I Do Not Have A College Degree 9

The Point 9

Real-World Software Development 9

Foundational Knowledge Gives Tech Freedom 9

How To Learn Anything 10

What You Need? 10

What I Provide 10

How Does This Book Work? 10

Summary 11

Sharing Academic Papers 11

Berners-Lee’s Past Experience 11

Putting Things Together To Make Something New 12

Document Viewer - Web Browser 12

Summary 13

Web Overview 13

If This Was All Confusing 15

Errors Can Occur During Transmission 16

index.htm 18

HTML : Pairs of Tags - Create Document Structure 19

HTML Structure Is A Hierarchy 19

HTML Contains Rigid Rules : Browser Isn't So Rigid 20

A Tool To View Errors. But, look, the Web Browser doesn't care 20

Edit Our Skeleton Document 21

index2.htm 21

Check HTML For Errors 22

Why Does It Matter To Understand There Are Two Sets of Rules? 26

Looks Fine In Internet Explorer, Nothing In FireFox 27

Changing <head> and <body> tag order 27

Undefined Behavior 28

Knowing Ahead of Time 29

SIDEBAR - A Developer's View of HTML 30


White-space in HTML 31

Why Format the Document With All of Those Indents? 33

When Can White-Space Cause A Problem? 34

Markup or Content 35

What Does the Validator Think? 35

This Seems Insane! How Could We Ever Create Working HTML? 36

This Is An Extreme Example To Help You Understand The Challenges 36

HTML structure: Keep These Rules In Mind When Creating HTML 37

Getting Out Into the Weeds : Let's Look At Some Real HTML 37

Header 1 <H1> Tag 37

index4.htm 37

Is H1 About Font Styling? 38

allHeadings.htm 39

SIDEBAR Online HTML Creation 40


Here's What We Know So Far 42

Displaying Images In the HTML Document 43

The Nature of Images Is Different 43

We Reference the Source of The Image 43

firstImage.htm 44

Some HTML Elements Have Only A Opening Tag 45

A Little Less Typing Too 45

HTML Attributes (or properties) 45

Attributes are Name-Value Pairs 45

Format of Attribute Name-Value Pairs 46

Attributes Are Defined By HTML 46

What Does Meta Mean? 46

Metadata 46

Charset: Character Set 47

Close the Loop On Special Characters 47

HTML Character Entities 47

Two Sections of Every HTML Document 48

All Content In Body 48

A First Usable HTML Document (Numerous tags covered) 49

index6.htm 51

My Cheat, The <br> Tag and Block Style vs Inline Elements 52

Block Style vs Inline Elements 52

Versus <p> Tag 52

index6b.htm 52

Each Type of Element Seems Reasonable 53

index6c.htm 54

What About that _blank Value? 55

Discover Attribute Values Via HTML Reference 55

Official HTML 5 Specification : The W3c (World Wide Web Consortium) 55

Reiterating Importance of Block Versus Inline Elements 58

The Anchor In <a> Elements 58

Challenges of Large Documents 58

*** Mini Sidebar --- Lorem Ipsum Dolor *** 58

****** End Mini Sidebar ***** 58


First Thing, View In Browser 59

Programmer's Joke 61

Sidebar: Browser Back Button (Youtube) 66

Ready To Learn CSS 67

Do Not Do It This Way 67

Two Big Reasons Why You Must Never Do This 67

Now We Will Do What You Shouldn’t Do 67

Styles Are Name-Value Pairs 68

This Was The Worst Way To Do Styles 69

Building On What You Already Know 70

Two Styles Added 70

How Determine Where A Style Applies? 71

Keep Style Definitions Separate 71

Cascading! 72

Multiple Styles On One Element 72

Different Formatting, Easier To Read 73

Font-Family Style Looks Odd 73

Font-Family 74

Margins 75

Block Style 75

What Is The White Area? 75

First Test Ever 76

SIDEBAR - Font Names Via CharMap 76


CSS ID Selector 79

Border-Style 80

Even More Meaning to Cascading 80

Creating the New Style 81

Styles Defined In One Place 82

Using Styles On Numerous Pages 82

Copy / Paste: Not the Dev Way 82

Defining Styles In A .CSS File 82

Steps To Use CSS From A File 83

Relative Path To CSS 83

Sidebar Amazing Possibilities With CSS 84

End Sidebar Amazing Possibilities With CSS 84

Class Selectors 84

Devs Have Another Name For The Period Symbol (Dot) 85

Sidebar : Strange Color Value 85

Hex Value 85

Why Would We Ever Use Hex Values? 86

RGB Function 88

End Sidebar : Strange Color Value 89

Two More Things About CSS Files 89

Why I’m Guiding You Towards Specific Topics 90

What’s A <div>? 90

Class Selectors 91

As the HTML Epoch* Progressed 93

Exceptional Badness 93

DSLs Grow Unwieldy 93

Meanwhile, The Solution Was Already There 94

The Solution Really Was Already There 94

HTML5 Elements Are Even Better 95

Getting User Text Input 96

TextBox1.htm 96

Textbox2.htm 97

Capturing Data Fields 97

Multiple Fields 98

Inline Element 98

Importance of ID Attribute 100

The Most Basic Introduction To Programming : JavaScript 100

JavaScript Using ID Selectors 100

JavaScript: Native to Modern Web Browsers 100

Console and JavaScript 101

Get location.href value 103

Back To Our Controls Document 103

Odd URL - File Protocol 104

Get The Value of Each Control 105

JavaScipt and the HTML DOM (Document Object Model) 105

The Document Has Functions 105

Referencing The document Object and Functions 106

Get Any Value: Change Selector 106

Change Values 106

SIDEBAR Single & Double Quotes 107

END SIDEBAR Single & Double Quotes 108

SIDEBAR : Another Site To Write & Test Your HTML, CSS, JavaScript 108

To Create Your Own (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) Pen 108

END SIDEBAR : Another Site To Write & Test Your HTML, CSS, JavaScript 109

Get Password Value 109

Mini Sidebar Web Page Reload 109

END mini sidebar Web Page Reload 109

Set Values: Real-Time 109

File Control 110

Label Used As Radio Button Text 110

Which Radio Button Was Clicked (selected) By User? 111

Why is the Checked Property So Odd? 111

Why No Value For Checked Property? 111

What If You Add Checked to More Than One Control? 112

Why does it do that? 112

What Is Programming? 112

Old Way, New Way 116

Button Click 116

Error Is Hidden By Browser 117

Add The Function 117

Function Definition Format 118

Where Do We Add JavaScript? 118

<script> Element 118

Where do we add the <script> element? 118

No Error, But Nothing Seems To Happen 119

The Obvious Annoying Thing 119

OnChange Event 120

Move the Slider And Let Go 120

Sometimes (Often) Things Don’t Work As Expected 121

People Who Haven’t Done The Work 121

A Function Should Do One Thing 122

Naming Is the Most Difficult Thing 123

Don’t Use var Any More 124

Use let Instead of var 124

CodePen Example 1 124

JavaScript Determines Type From Data 125

Determine The Type of a Variable 126

You Could Ignore All of This 127

The Balance 127

Do You Like The Details? 127

JavaScript Objects 128

querySelector() Function 128

Name Collisions 128

OOP Just Means Using Objects 129

More Details on console.log() Function 129

Data Type Coercion 129

Last Line of getRandomVal 130

A Function Must Do Only One Thing 130

A Function Creates A Type of Contract 131

Developers Focus On Technical Details 132

Back to The Code 132

innerHTML Property 133

Using The Return Value 133

Completed Code 133

Art and Science 134

Power of Process 134

List of Requirements 134

Math - Do Not Fear 135

Logic Is Related To Math 135

More From The Math Object 136

A Little Trick of Multiplication 137

Why Use Variables? 137

Meaningful Variable Names 138

A Lot To Learn 139

Set Up User Interface 139

What About Semicolons? 140

Are Semicolons Required? 141

if Statements : Control Flow 141

Constant Modifier Creates Unchangeable Value 142

But, First, More About Functions 143

JavaScript Identifies Functions By Name 144

What About Parameters? 144

JavaScript Is Fail-Safe 144

Using A Non-Existent Parameter 144

An Absence of Value: Not Zero 145

Return Value Is Arbitrary and Probably Wrong 146

A Function Name Must Be Unique 147

Why Function Overloading Is Helpful? 147

JavaScript Enforces Fewer Rules 148

What If You Call JavaScript Function With Wrong Number of Parameters? 148

Are Parameter Values Valid? 148

! Exclamation Means Not 149

You’ve Stumbled Upon The Controversy 149

I want this!

149 pages (approx print count) which will take you from beginner (understanding HTML) into using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and into automating web pages with JavaScript. Volume 1 prepares you with everything you need to build an entire app (covered in Volume 2).

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Learn HTML, CSS & JavaScript (Launch Your Dev Career Volume 1)

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